I started with a blank slate for the Flatley's front patio. We found containers that would compliment the stone patio that was just finished. An assortment of concrete and ceramic containers were chosen.
The color scheme was to use different varieties of white blooming plants with splashes of color.
Charcoal concrete bowls were used on the entry mailbox and planted with white plumbago and
regal mist grasses. The plumbago would cascade down the pillar while the grasses would give and upright look.
The containers entering the gate are filled with colorful seasonal flowers ( geraniums, snapdragons, allysum) with nasturtium seeds planted by their son Spencer as a secret surprise. Star jasmine on the pillars will welcome visitors with their sweet scent in Spring.
The rustic troughs are filled with a variety of flowers and flowering shrubs while smaller containers have some aloe and succulents.
I especially liked the Hawaiian Snow Bushes that framed a bench. They have a white/pink hue in the new growth.