Friday, August 27, 2010

Flatley Residence

I started with a blank slate for the Flatley's front patio. We found containers that would compliment the stone patio that was just finished. An assortment of concrete and ceramic containers were chosen.

The color scheme was to use different varieties of white blooming plants with splashes of color.

Charcoal concrete bowls were used on the entry mailbox and planted with white plumbago and
regal mist grasses. The plumbago would cascade down the pillar while the grasses would give and upright look.

The containers entering the gate are filled with colorful seasonal flowers ( geraniums, snapdragons, allysum) with nasturtium seeds planted by their son Spencer as a secret surprise. Star jasmine on the pillars will welcome visitors with their sweet scent in Spring.

A ficus tree adds some height to the patio.

The rustic troughs are filled with a variety of flowers and flowering shrubs while smaller containers have some aloe and succulents.

I especially liked the Hawaiian Snow Bushes that framed a bench. They have a white/pink hue in the new growth.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kim's containers

Kim's containers are an assortment of terra cotta an cement containers. They are filled with a variety of geraniums, snapdragons, vinca, and allysum. Her flowers add a splash of color to the desert background.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Stella's Secret Garden

Snapdragons fill the bed under the kitchen window.
A welcoming assortment of flowers and herbs adorn Stella's front door.
Vinca, Star Jasmine and Calibrachoa (orange flowers) welcome visitors.
Red salvia, ivy, silver dicondra, pink, red and white cyclamen are nestled among the stepping stones and St. Francis.

The Hay Residence

Snapdragons, geraniums, allysum and nemesis add color around the pool.
Red geraniums and red variegated coleus adorn the antique iron planter.
A miniature herb garden nestles around the ficus tree.
The Hawaiian Snow and the pink Marguerite add some pink and white cheer to this entry niche.
The entry bowls are filled with snapdragons, salvia, geraniums, allysum and nasturtium seeds to fill in for a wonderful fall color mix that welcomes visitors .

The Paper Place- Scottsdale, AZ

Geraniums, Snapdragons, Colieus and allysum filled the containers with fall color outside of The Paper Place in Old Town, Scottsdale. Flowering Hibuscus trees with ivy and jasmine eliminated the ash tray source for the containers in the background.