Wednesday, February 2, 2011

A Windy Day Brings Music To My Ears..

The sound of a wind chime on a windy day brings a sense of calmness to my soul.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Frost Protection..

With the upcoming freeze warning for Phoenix over the next 3 days, it is important to cover your frost tender plants. If you are not sure if your plant is frost sensitive, cover it.
You can use many materials to cover and protect your plants. Burlap, sheets, table linens and frost cloth. You can purchase frost cloth at any of your local nurseries.
Do Not Use plastic. It can actually burn your plants.

 I gathered my smaller containers together and then covered them.

I used burlap and a tablecloth on these containers.

 These newly planted trees are covered as close to the ground as possible to protect the trunks also.

When covering your plants, make sure that as much of the plant, if not the entire plant is covered for the best results. Watering your plants well before the freeze will give them a greater chance of not freezing. This helps your plants actually stay a bit warmer and they are not stressed from being dehydrated.
If your plants do get some frost damage, wait until there are no more possibilities of a frost to occur before you trim out the damaged part of the plant. The damaged part will help protect the young and tender part of the plant. If you trim too soon you take the chance of that new growth getting damaged if it freezes again. I know it is hard to wait, but be patient.