Saturday, September 18, 2010

Get Diggin' in the Dirt-

With our night time temperatures dropping it is time to prepare the soil for your fall garden. The summer heat has depleted many nutrients from the soil in the garden beds and containers. Now is the time to get digging to add those nutrients. If you are preparing a new garden bed, make sure you dig or till up the earth, remove any summer weeds that may have taken up residence and add compost or mulch to the bed. Dig or till this in. Give the bed a good soaking to let these nutrients soak into the soil and to leach out the salt build up in the soil over the summer .
 I use Singh's compost from Singh farms. Ken Singh makes his own compost at his working farm located just east of the 101 and Thomas road. You can buy the compost by the truck load or by the burlap bag ( 3-4 cubic foot per bag). The bags cost around $10.00 each.
 If you have containers that you use for shrubs, flowers, vegetables or herbs it is time to refresh those as well. I remove half of the soil in my containers and replace with a good container potting soil. You can purchase these at any of the plant nurseries or garden stores.  I add a small amount of compost as well. Soak the nutrients in and let sit for a few days before planting. You are now ready to plant away for a wonderful fall garden.
Happy Gardening

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